Friday, December 21, 2012

We Are To Blame!

My goal when I started this blog was to focuses on my political opinions, how ever my mind has been moving in another direction over the past few mouths. I can no longer stand by and tell my self that our problems can been fixed through politics’s, because our problem does not lie in our political system. We as a culture are the problem but heaven forbid that we actually change the way we live. Today my heart is breaking over the loss of life’s in Connecticut, and yet I know as a nation we will look for some one or some thing to blame. I find myself turning off the TV not because of my grieving heart but because ever one keeps saying the same thing. “It time for us to put our politics’s aside and come up with solutions that matter” and in the next breath they call for new gun laws. We as a nation are in denial and as we look for some one to blame, we will look ever but not in the mirror. The truth is that I am to blame and so are you. The problem lies in the fact that as a nation we have spent the last fifty years devaluing life. Many will look at my words and attack me for them all the while never looking at themselves. Perhaps a good place to start is the topic that our nation loves the most SEX.
Sex has become some kind of casual form of entertainment, that has no true value on our life's but to provide a fleeting moment of pleasure. It is now viewed so nonchalantly as to be seen as a goal to achieve on a first date. Others see it as the same as love and even call it making love, this is a bold face lie we tell our self’s to justify the misuse of this sacred power of procreation. I hear from time that through sex a couple will form a closer bond and this is true but not until we first sacrifice all of our wants and desires to provide stability and security for our partner. We must be totally devoted to that one person forever and be prepared to lose our lives for our families. Not just morality but rather we must sacrifice our own wants and needs for those we truly love. Sex must be keep with in these bounds to protect our families and our nation from the great power it wilds.
One of the biggest causes of the problems we face these days is due to the broken family. Children born out of wedlock, spouses refusing to be selfless with in their marriages and the mainstream acceptances of divorce. This leads to absent fathers, and negligent mothers who believe that raising a child can be done with out the help of a man. Let us be not confused, if some one impregnates a women they are not a man, but rather a selfish little boy. A man is one who despite his fear and inconveniences does the right thing regardless of the consequence. A real man will not dull his senses with pornography nor will he attempt to dishonor himself by the missuses of such a sacred power as sex. Real women would not advertise their body for the use of men, much like a candy bar to devour the goodness and discard the wrapper.
Perhaps even more destructive to our nation is the concept that when a women becomes pregnant that she can make the choice to execute the child in the womb, and some how we think that the acceptance of this act does not lead to the devaluing of life. How can we look at our self’s in the mirror and truly believe that conveying a message through out the nation, that it is okay to destroy unwanted babies does not harm our nation. Or how can we look our children in the eyes and not believe that this practice does not lead to the massacres we now see through out our nation.
I know we will now have many discussions about violence movies and video games, we will try to remove guns from our Nation and yet we still not fix the problem. Because the problem is US all of us. If you and I do not try to become better people, it will not matter what you do. No law can fix the problems that we face in this nation, because it is we the people that are broken. You do not have to believe in God to recognize the destructive path we are on, and I do believe that violent movies and video games are part of that. But it is our responsibility to not participate it these destructive things and to allow others that thou we stand by there right to do them we will do what is right. It is by this that we shall change, it is by this that changed has all ways come to the world.      

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Freedom Through Faith

Welcome to Liberty on Fire, a title that has a double meaning. This blog has been a long time in the making for me. I for so long have felt alone in this nation, because our freedom has been torn apart by two ideologies in this country. On the right, the conservatives and on the left those who have hijacked the word liberal. The truth is, that one claims to keep big government in check and the other claims to give us a more secure life. They are both lairs! Both sides have abandon the one principal that started the great experiment that is this nation and that is freedom. Because of this our liberty is on fire just as the books tossed from the hand of a brown shirt, so too is our country being cleansed of our concept of freedom. But now the double meaning of Liberty on Fire, it is my hope that those who read this blog will leave with a fire in your heart consumed by the love of freedom.
Those who first came to this nation sought freedom of religion not the loss of religion. The truth is that everyone in this world has faith in some god, it may not be the same God I worship. One may worship money and that is his god another may worship them self and that is their god. We all spend our time with some goal in mind rather it be trying to obtain eternal salvation or earthly fortune. We have seen the left trying to rid faith from our country. But as the right fights back against the left, we find many who say on the right that Mitt Romney should not be the republican nomination because he is not their brand of Christians. At the same time the right uses their morals to make laws to force others to live life the way they want but if this is wrong of the Muslims to do so it is also for the Christians. I say this as a devout Christian and yes I feel that all should live my faith. But how can you force a man's heart to change? You can't, that is gods job. You can preach and teach about your religion but to legislate your morals takes away the opportunity for people to grow in faith. There for it must be through persuasion not legislation that we must turn this country into a rightness nation. If we lose the sight of this we can never regain our freedom. So let the home fires burn, teach your family that every one must have the freedom to live their life, and that no one should ever take that from them.